BSC 2022 Workshop
Workshop: Picture It! Social Media in the bar industry.
Anne Linden held a workshop about cocktail photography, together with Chloé Merz at the Bar Symposium Cologne in May 2022. The workshop focused on smartphone photography and cocktails on social media platforms. In their presentation, Anne and Chloé discussed the use of social media platforms for the bar industry, how to create effective content and how to use it efficiently - even with simple tools and a smartphone camera. The practical part of the workshop invited the attendees to experiment with different settings for cocktail shootings, with personal consultation by Anne and Chloé.
At the Bar Symposium Cologne, members of the german speaking bar industry come together every year, to learn about new trends and to discuss industry relevant subjects. The Bar Symposium Cologne stands for education, networking and inspiration.
The workshop was presented by Fords Gin.
Photo: @lindenandfabian